Dary aka Coach D


Who’s A Stranger


Will you be Tricked or Fooled? By changing the context of how you view a stranger,a predator can and will trick you into getting into their car.
Ok your out on the date he’s nice, respectful your having a great time and your date suggests the two of you go on to another location like a club to continue the evening,you agree.while walking to your cars your date suggests taking his car,instead – afterwards he’ll bring you back to get your car.Do you refuse or accept,How do you respond without offending them,Is it street smart or not
So let’s have a look at this…do you refuse? Yes I mean,the reason you drove your own vehicle
was for safety reasons…right..and how do you refuse without offending them? Politely you could say,I got a text from my girl friend and were going to hangout later on,or you’ll be meeting up with friends later…be creative but do not get into his car!
Breaking The Rules

If you’ve ever got into a car where the driver is not somebody you know, but is a friend or a friend of a friend, understand you have gotten into a car with a stranger.This doesn’t necessarily mean you were in danger,just that you were willing to bend/ignore a rule intended to keep you safe.
We may like to think of ourselves as good judges of character, yet when dealing with sexual predators, we are usually dealing with socially adept individuals who know many tricks and techniques to get us to open up to them and even trust them (even if this is reluctantly and with misgivings) So be safe,alert and aware of your own stranger danger rules…

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