
Kaju - Hiit




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Think working out has to be hard? Think again! HIIT workouts appear to do the impossible by helping
you to burn more calories than a 40-minute run in a quarter of that time! Better yet, they also build
muscle, improve athletic performance and give you more energy. They’ve been transforming the
lives of people all around the world and if you want to achieve one of those ‘cover model physiques’
then this is probably just what you’re looking for.
Ready to get started with the most highly effective and efficient workouts on the planet? Then let’s
get started! Along the way, we’ll discover that there’s a lot more to HIIT than just the basic
alternating speeds; we’ll learn some advanced techniques like cardio acceleration, fartlek training,
speed drills, concurrent training, metcon, tabata, finishers and more.

Kaju - Hiit

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Think working out has to be hard? Think again! HIIT workouts appear to do the impossible by helpingyou to burn more calories than a 40-minute run in a quarter of that time! Better yet, they also buildmuscle, improve athletic performance and give you more energy. They’ve been transforming thelives of people all around the world and if you want to achieve one of those ‘cover model physiques’then this is probably just what you’re looking for.Ready to get started with the most highly effective and efficient workouts on the planet? Then let’sget started! Along the way, we’ll discover that there’s a lot more to HIIT than just the basicalternating speeds; we’ll learn some advanced techniques like cardio acceleration, fartlek training,speed drills, concurrent training, metcon, tabata, finishers and more.

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Cardio Training, Then and NowIf you want to build muscle, then you need to cause muscle damage and metabolic stress. By liftingweights, you can cause a build-up of damage and this will provide precisely the stimulation you needto trigger muscle growth during rest.To lose fat, improve your fitness and get better health though, you need to use cardiovasculartraining.Cardiovascular training is any type of training that involves exerting yourself for an extended periodof time. Very often this will mean running long distances, with jogging being perhaps the mostpopular form of cardio training. Not far behind though are swimming, cycling, skipping, rowing andothers.

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More Benefits of HIITHIIT is able to burn more calories than steady state cardio then and because you’re exerting yourselfmore at certain points throughout your training, this means you should also see be finished in amuch shorter space of time.Typically, a HIIT session can last between 10-20 minutes and be just as effective in terms of caloriesburned as a 40-minute run. 

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: The Science of HIIT, Understanding Your Body So You CanGet More Out of ItLet’s first consider how the body gets energy and manages that energy during exertion.First, in order to exercise, the body needs energy. This energy comes from a source known as ATP orAdenosine Triphosphate which is described in scientific circles as the ‘energy currency of life’. Thissubstance is a nucleotide made up of three phosphagen molecules, bonded together by a powerfulforce.

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Ten million people in America practice mindful meditation. That’squite a lot. Mindful meditation has become popular as more andmore people enjoy living a better, less stressful, more productivelife.Why are these people turning to meditation to improve their dailylives? The easy answer is, meditation works. The more complexanswer is that today, we are suffering from information overloadand stress more than previous generations. Some meditators wantto reduce stress and enjoy greater peace. Others seek moreawareness to create a more purposeful life. Still others want to gaingreater awareness and align their thoughts with their actions.Mindful meditation is useful for all of these purposes. What is truefor everyone, however, is that the more you know about yourthinking, the more you are in control of your life.

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With all of its benefits, practicing mindful meditation is extremelyeasy. Let’s go through the steps.The EssentialsWear comfortable clothing. You don’t want to have your focusinterrupted by a tight pair of pants or skirt. Find a comfortable seat.Ideally, it will be in a peaceful spot without clutter and noise. Youcan meditate indoors or outdoors.Start your meditation with short

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Mindful Meditation and the BrainWhat Scientists are LearningUntil recently, scientists regarded the brain as mass inside ourhead. Nothing more and nothing less. It was believed that as adults,we are stuck with the neurology cards we were handed at birth forlife.That theory has been proven to be false.With the use of MRIs, neuroscientists have discovered that: a) wehave far more control over our brain than previously thought; b)changes in the brain can be quantified, and c) we can change ourthinking to improve our lives.

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A healthy diet is important for a well-functioning body. However, itisn't as restrictive or as confusing as people imagine.

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Eating balanced meal helps the body work to its full potential,which is particularly important for people living with busy and tightschedule, or just people who are constantly feeling not energizedand easily falling sick.

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Food can be classified into two groups namely the acidic foodgroup and the alkaline food group. These food are categorized assuch because they affect the urine pH level when they areconsumed. Our body's acid-alkaline balance, also known as pH,can affect our overall well-being.

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It is a simple visual guide designed to make eating healthyeasier. Food that contain the same type of nutrients are groupedtogether on each of the shelves of the Food Pyramid.

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Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is made in the body by theliver but is also found in some of the food we eat in our daily lives.Unlike the common belief, not all cholesterols are bad.

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Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Totop things off you can eat right and exercise regularly to achieve awell-balanced healthy mind and body. Consuming food from awide variety of sources helps maintain a healthy and interestingdiet and ensure your body has the nutrients it needs to help reducethe risk of disease.

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. Preparing meals at home allowsyou to control the amount of salt and oil you use in your recipes.This in turn reduces the possibility of clogged arteries and weightgain. Not just that, taking the time to plan your weekly menu notonly helps to save time and money

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Ever feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting diet and nutritionadvice out there? You're NOT alone! It seems that for every expertwho tells you a certain food is good for you, you’ll find anothersaying exactly the opposite.

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Try and remember it's about eating and living a better healthier life, not perfection, Busy days and conflicting 890-=schedules make it easier to head for the drive- thru window not the grocery store. After a generation of easy access to junk food and a significant increase in eating out - problems like heart disease, high blood pressure and

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About the teacher

Dary aka Coach D

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